In the group was Igor Firdauzi, Evodius Purwoko, Rizal I Sjahid, Jusuf Arief, Tigor Peetosutan, and Denny Feblu. I got invited to come along in the search (or, in the words of Mr. Purwoko, spiritual journey) and... what more can I say, it's a fun journey. Though I didn't make lotsa photos. But still, fun. :)
First day, Saturday. The first destination was Cangkringan, Sleman, up north from the city of Jogja. We were to find an old farmer. After a few stops, we managed to find out his name and where he lived. And when we got there, through a help from a neighbour, the farmer was finally spotted. One down.
The said neighbour. And no I didn't even take a single shot of Mbah Iman, the farmer.
And oh yeah I decided to keep the bigger thumbs... sorry for you guys with the slower connection, hahah. :p I'll cut down the maximum number of post in the front page of the blog to only two posts though, to make it faster.
Anyway, after we're done in Cangkringan we visited the nearby Pakem marketplace for a while and snapped around. I took only 3 frames with the FM2, haven't developed it yet.
Second destination was Madukismo, down south in Bantul regency. Madukismo is known for its old sugar factory. There, we were looking for two kids who were photographed around the factory's railroad yard. Before we got there, during the ride, Rizal (the photographer for the picture) jokingly said that he suspected that the boys could have moved to West Nusa Tenggara, a province in south-central Indonesia. To everyone's amusement, one of the boys actually did move out of the town just about a week earlier. What's even surprising, he did move to West Nusa Tenggara! Out of 33 provinces in this country... with that said... always be careful with what you say, people. :D
We did find the other boy, however. So, two down. And in the railroad yard I actually took more pics than in Cangkringan. Interesting activities, where workers unload sugar canes from coming trucks and move them to train carriages for further transport. They say in a busy day they could unload more than 500 trucks. Didn't have enough time to find out more though.
Workers unloading sugar canes from a truck.
Resting workers.
Last search destination was Kotagede, in the south part of the city of Jogja. The person on search was a regular of Kotagede Mosque, so it was pretty easy to find out who he was and where he lived. The person was out of town at the moment, but nevertheless the business was done. Once again I didn't snap much here.
Random stuff outside the wall of the mosque.
Igor in front of the mosque's gate.
And so, only at around 1 PM, all the business is done. The latter half of the day was spent in Bringharjo market and a brief while around Kraton.
Second day, Sunday. It was more fun since the group's 'burden' of having to find people all over the place was then gone. :D We left for the city of Solo, and snapped around two big marketplaces, Pasar Klewer and Pasar Gede. Most of the shots I took that day were on film though.
Probaby the only frame from digital that I love that day. Quite a few things happening in this frame.
Igor, Rizal, Purwoko, and a random old lady. Oh yes she made this frame.
Next stop was Laweyan, a batik home industry area in Solo. A pretty silent neighborhood, and we could only find one place where there's some young women making batik. And since of course all the group was all over them, I had to find something different.
Found this particular scene to be somewhat creepy...
Get it?
A detail of an old colonial-time building in Laweyan. It was beautiful. Didn't have a wide enough lens to cover the whole facade so I got to settle with details like this.
Also found a modest car repair shop inside a small street. Saw that all of the cars there were Fiats.
Gotta love them old cars. I dunno anything about automotive, but I always thought that old cars' distinctive shapes had more characters in them than modern cars. I mean, most cars these days have gone streamline and stuff in shape, they all start to look the same in a glimpse.
This boy was in a house near the Fiat cars and looking curious as to why a tall guy with a camera would take pictures of broken down cars. Tried to talk to him but he just grinned the whole time. Suits yourself, kiddo. :)
When I wanted to get back to the group, I met this man and greeted him. We had a brief talk and turned out that he was the uncle of the owner of the repair shop, his name was Mr. Broto. He took me for a quick walk around the shop, even showed me this cool looking Fiat van that was unfortunately covered in tarpaulin. I didn't want to bother him opening the cover. After a few minutes exchanging words, we said goodbye. But not before I took this quick portrait of him in front of a pink wall... thought it looked nice with his blue shirt. A really nice man, he was. :)
Back in Jogja at night, we also visited a traditional food kiosk in Pakualaman just so that everyone could shoot wide open with f/one-point-something and 3200ASA... :D I could only sit down and wait since I know I wouldn't get anything with what I brought. :p
In Monday and Tuesday Citishot also went around town for a bit more but I couldn't go since school already started.
Anyway, that's all for now. Hope this finds you all well. Oh yeah, some interesting photography exhibition is coming up in town this November. Two words: Objectif Paris. Go google it up! ;)
thanks for being a good teacher for two days!
nice photos.
Dulu... aku suka bikin foto2 miring, tp trus temenku tanya "knp sih foto2mu selalu miring? kalo gak ada alesan kuat mending jgn bikin foto miring", begitu kira2 komennya dia. Bener juga sih... Dan sejak itu aku mengurangi bikin foto miring.
And now... I want to know your reason, why do you make it that way? :) (however, they all still look nice to me)
@om Igor:
Thanks.. :) Soal foto² miring, aku biasanya sih spontan aja, tapi kalo coba kuinget-inget lagi, biasanya framing miring itu kulakukan ketika aku ngerasa "mentok" dalam hal angle of view. Dalam artian, aku ingin bisa memasukkan lebih banyak elemen dalam fotoku, tapi hal itu nggak bisa dilakukan bila aku make framing horizontal. Dalam keadaan tertentu mungkin aku bisa aja mundur, tapi men-tilt kamera lebih cepat dari mundur kan. :D Dan kadangkala, elemen penting yg ingin kumasukin dalam frame-ku emang terletak dalam posisi diagonal, jadi tanpa disadari aku langsung memiringkan kamera.
Sebenernya mungkin ada beberapa alasan lain juga, tapi nanti bisa kepanjangan komennya. :D Kalo ada YM dan mau ngobrol lebih lanjut aku ada di m1buro at yahoo dot com. :)
ngwartsfull semuanyah. konsep banget. terima kasih telah mau bertemu dengan kita. semoga dua hari terakhir tidak join bukan karena bosan dengan fotografer tidak berkonsep.. huahahahahahhaaa..
keren dok, mulai berwarna2 lagi,, hehehe. miring2nya jd ngingetin angle-nya sasha, (klo pengen tak cetak le majang framenya dimiringin -_-) hwahawhaw
hiikkkss cuman bisa dengar kabar para mahaguru bertandang, ga kebagian berkah ilmunya dan ga sempat sungkeman... :((
*i wonder how many rondos that have being get "ho'oh" ;)).. kabuuurrr
halah, Naga, ditelponin nggak mbales
foto yang ada sepatu aja lumayan menyenangkan dilihat :)
tasnya om igor keren....:)
edian... perjalanan spiritual... para pendekar dan guru... ingin rasanya ikut jalan2... ngangsu kaweruh...
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