Jakarta is a strange place, at least to me. Though I lived there for about 4 years (circa 1997-2000), the city still looks somewhat alien to me. Even the places I used to know no longer look familiar. It's almost like the city itself doesn't want to be recognized, to be identified. Frankly, I don't like the general atmosphere of Jakarta. But that's probably because I've come to enjoy living in Jogja, a small city with a much slower pace than Jakarta. Here, you can feel like you really belong to the place... while in Jakarta it feels like you just sort of being dragged around here and there by the daily rush. I really can't see Jakarta as a place for "living", it just looks like one gigantic workplace to me. You wake up at, what, 5 AM in the morning to prepare to go to work before the traffic gets jammed, then work your ass off through the day, and finally arrive back at home at 8 or 9 PM (if you get lucky), only to repeat it all over again the next day and the day after.
The sad thing is I might have to "live" in there as well in near future, at least for some time, cause all the good career opportunity is practically still centralized in that god forsaken place...
As long as I don't need to stay there until 2025 I guess, heh.
paningnya sukses yah ...
I thought the first two pictures were beautiful..
arepe pindah betawi ? huehehehehe ...
jo lali jowo nggih :D
mbuh ah sukses apa nggak, yg penting belakangnya dah blur :-"
I'm not sure about the first one actually, just thought the light was pretty nice. I like the second frame myself, just wish the father was more still..
nggak niat pindah sih lik benernya, tapi kalo mau cari kerjaan di bidang fotografi yg berprospek emang kayanya (dan sayangnya) mesti ke sana dulu awalnya....
2nd frame down is great!
welcome to Jakarta, wid... :)
it's harsh, but it can make you a tougher person :))
Btw a best friend of mine, a professional photographer, never work as a photographer in Jkt, he doesn't like living here, but he managed to become a professional photographer anyway... :)). So... working here is not the only choice you have :)
Eh... kalo ke Jkt lagi bilang2 dong... aku pengen berguru padamu Wid... :)
Whatever is talked about professional photographer above, it wasn't me, in case anybody's wondering. 8->
Professional Procastinator to Professional Photographer is not that far away though....
Love the pictures.
"The world of flavor" and my prejudice just clicked.
About Jakarta,
Get to know it better, you'll love it even better.
Been to Jogja long time ago, been wanting eversince to come again.
panning, zooming, bleeding, racing
ah gerunds!
waduh sayang kk kok gak jadi dikutin ke lombany, bagus2 loh fotonya, sayang banget gak ikutan
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