For the last 2 weeks I've been getting in contact with a parkour community in Jogja, shooting their practice session and just basically hanging around with these cool folks.
I still don't know until when I will keep shooting them and how the final output will look like, though an essay of youth urban culture in a city which is still only widely known mostly for its traditional culture is the most likely result I could think of, specially since some of the guys in this community have contacts in other urban culture communities. Perhaps I'll try to send the essay to media later on, I don't know. What I know for sure is, it's real fun to get to know new people, hearing new stories, and most of all getting a feeling that you're working at something with an aim, even when it's still rather abstract in this stage.
Here are some photos:
And for you Indonesian readers who are interested in giving this art a try, go to Parkour Indonesia forum and see if there's a group in your city with whom you can practice together. Having been around these people, I've been thinking to start practicing too...
wid, ini yg suka manjat2 itu ya? kalo di Prancis ada yg sampe manjat gedung segala. Ternyata disini juga ada tho? menarik.
wekekek....akhirnya jadi to wid approach mereka
mbak rey:
kalo nggak gitu paham prinsip dasarnya emang bisa ketuker-tuker mbak soalnya kalo cuma sekilas banyak disiplin yg mirip² :D
parkour lebih menekankan pada efektifitas dan efisiensi untuk bergerak dari poin A ke poin B tanpa menggunakan alat bantu. jadinya kalo nggak butuh manjat, atau manjat dirasa nggak efekttif, ya seorang praktisi parkour nggak akan manjat sesuatu. yg mbak bilang di prancis ada yg sampe manjat gedung, itu mungkin grup yamakasi, yg nggak hanya menggunakan parkour, tapi juga freerunning yg penekanannya lebih ke kebebasan bergerak total, bener² terserah mau ngapain. atau ada juga aktivitas yg emang spesifik manjat gedung, namanya buildering (building + bouldering)
kudu diniatin lah, ntar nggak jadi² terus :p
They looked so comfortable with you taking their photos. Mind sharing the tricks with us?
billitone: no fancy tricks, just the usual personal approach... just show some interest about something they love doing, talk about it. just like we love it when someone tells us, "hey I like that one photo of yours, how did you do that?" :)
iki nag endi to wid? kae sing kribo jenenge nowel dudu?
mas mas.... pada ga takut jatoh apa yaaa....
sumpah mas wid, baru kali ini aku ke blognya mas wid, dan ternyata mas wid ga hanya sekedar mengambil gambar aja, tetapi juga berusaha memahami sampai ke detil-detilnya suatu objek photo yang akan di abadikan. dan betapa terharunya, ternyata diluar praktisi parkour juga paham esensi dari parkour itu sendiri...
bravo to shuterfreak...
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