These ones are all from a roll of Neopan Acros 100, taken with FM2 and 50/1.4.
Gayuh with a cat. Or, the way he chooses to see it, "with a pussy on his head". As you can see the cat isn't exactly happy being there. What a nifty way to start.
The rest of the roll was from when I went with Citishot.
You know what, I'm kinda lazy to write anything about these photos now... besides, I'm dead tired too. So just enjoy them. And please do leave comments, ask question, or whatever it is that you have in mind about these photos. Now Blogger's nice enough to send us email whenever there's new comment after we leave one in a particular entry, if you wish to do so... so you'll know if I respond back to your comments. :)
On a completely unrelated subject...
This afternoon I sat in one place for almost an hour I think, just enjoying the heavy rain. Hearing the raindrops hitting the roof, leaves, and ground. Seeing them making continuing vertical lines as they fall from the roof. Watching as the water splashes on the ground making repetitive rhythmical patterns. Feeling the soft vapors touching your skin. It was bliss.
Of course, that's before you're starting to feel the cold, hours later. Like now. So I gotta go to bed now, see y'all later on the next part.
kalau melihat ini
across lebih baik dari ss, atau aku yang memang ngawur developnya?
iya... sekilas yang langsung menarik secara keseluruhan itu tone nya... pas banget.. yang ngajarin aku nyetak itu pecinta Neopan juga terutama acros 100 ini, sayang katanya dah ngga bisa dapet lagi di singapore...
aku sampai sekarang nggak ketemu gaya neopan ss
ah mesti banyak belajar lagi
Aku develop di lab kok ;))
Padahal lab-nya aku yakin juga amat sangat jarang develop acros 100, wong di sini nggak ada... I got lucky I guess. tapi iya, kalo dibandingin sama ss aku lebih seneng acros, kontrasnya lebih renyah. ss normal buatku rasanya terlalu grayish
Photos cantik benar! Apa kamera Saudara mempergunakan?
Thanks, saya pakai FM2 + 50/1.4 :)
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