Ugh. Mau nulis ini kemaren malem tapi ketiduran. =_=

Quite a lot happened yesterday. But first and foremost... yesterday was my sis Iin's birthday! :) For those who don't know, she's the one person I really trust the most. When I got troubles I couldn't talk to anybody else, I know I could always turn to her and she'd listen. Definitely one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. I owe a lot to her. She's a good advisor, a best friend, a sister. So... happy birthday to you, dear sis. Wish you live a life full of happiness, always. Love you so much. Mmmuah.

Yesterday I also finally got to see my fellow freshmen of this year in ADVY. Kemaren ada technical meeting tentang pengenalan kampus yg akan diadain hari ini dan besok. To cut it short and get straight to the shocking news... tau nggak ada berapa orang mahasiswa fotografi desain ADVY 2006? Cuma 11 orang. Yap, ternyata cuma segitu dalam satu angkatan. Paling banyak DKV yg mungkin ada 30-40 orang, interior design sekitar 20-an orang. ...Dan fotografi cuma 11 orang. I already know 4 of them, which with me makes up for almost half of the class. I guess the next 3 years is gonna be... uh, interesting.

Pulangnya ngambil cetakan roll TMY di Central. Got few that I like, and the rest sucks. I think I should just stick to cheaper BW rolls for the time being. Anyway, these are what I like:

The rest can be viewed here.

Abis itu ke kampus arsi tapi nggak ada siapa² dan akhirnya balik. Sampe di rumah, di depan garasi ada pemandangan ganjil:

I thought, "isn't that dad's turtledove?" It turned out that the old man had let go all of his pet birds earlier that morning. Ya, jadi ceritanya, pagi itu sebelom berangkat aku baru tau bahwa selain helm yg ilang di garasi (yg sempet kusebut di beberapa posting sebelum ini), Converse-ku juga ternyata udah ikut dicolong maling. Perhaps the same thief, perhaps not. God knows. Dad was pretty pissed about it, he took the theft(s) as some kind of insult to him. What I didn't know was... setelah aku berangkat dari rumah ternyata semua burung yg ada di garasi pada dilepas, saking marahnya dia. All flew away. All, except that one bird in front of the garage. Dia cuman ngendon aja di depan garasi, kaya nungguin dibukain. Tuh perkutut kayanya rada sakit deh, dideketin juga cuma cengo gitu... lemes. akhirnya dia dikasihin ke tukang koran di seberang jalan. Heh, poor little thing.

Yowes gitu dulu, mesti siap² buat ntar. Not that there's much to prepare though. ;p

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