Some photos from the first day of the year. Spent it with people from FN, it was pretty nice though actually I wish I could pass through the seconds of year change with my closest friends... but alas they were busy with their finals and stuff, oh well.
Hello sunshine!
On the way to Kaliadem. Don't you get tired of this kind of shadow photo? Yet you can't help taking it when you see one.
This place used to be a viewing point to Mt. Merapi in the background, but it was devastated by pyroclastic flow during the eruption in mid 2007, killing two volunteers who were too late to runaway. I found it interesting that this particular ruin's shape somehow resembled the mountain.
The house we stayed at.
There was a playground near where we stayed which was packed with families since it's new year. Found it much more interesting than the Merapi landscape we visited earlier. Hey, it got more people. ;)
Barely got this frame. Waited like forever for that little girl to show up and interact with the little boy.
Lusy. Lucy. I dunno, ask Naga for the correct spelling of her name. ;)
Coming up next, disaster with the pushed Tri-X... stay tuned. :p
hohooo...resolusi 2008,,, "resolusi warna" ya dok ^_^v
met kenal nih :)
wah doggy nya kok separo hehehe
malu ya?
I like the swing one, man.
Anyway, Is it far from the center of Jogja to here?
I think this is an interesting place :D
ayunan dan kirik nya cakep
ah ada foto LSD juga
tahun baru yang menyenangkan ... di tempat yang mengasikan dengan orang-orang spesial ... :)
kirik'e lucu...
Ticer :|
Dah dibilang ini bukan resolusi. ;p Lagi pingin ganti suasana aja, hehe
Salam kenal juga. :) Foto anjing itu... homage ke sebuah foto serupa yg pernah kuliat, yg lucunya malah aku udah lupa fotografernya siapa... udah nyari² lagi tapi nggak ketemu.
Thanks, mate.
Kaliurang is about 25km north of the city, it will take about half an hour ride to get there from Jogja. I dunno if one can call it "interesting place"... well there are always places like sand mining sites around Kaliadem, but other than that I find the area pretty dull. Dunno, perhaps it's just that local boredom thing.
LSD? :-?
Bandung menyenangkan nggak??
Fotonya bagus-bagus. it's hard to choose my favourite here, but it have to be the dog and the swing.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
from album sergeant peppers' lonely hearts club band lead Karolus Naga of course
*Wid: bandungkota yang menyenangkan ... penuh dengan youth of the nation .. motret cuman dikit maklum bawa Perkeo I, isinya 12 doang ..
*Ticer: ... semoga bukan halusinasi ... :P
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